

Terms & Conditions

By utilizing our website/mobile application, you are consenting to our terms and conditions and agreeing to its conditions. 

Unauthorized reproduction of the content of the website /mobile application in any form (partial or full) is not permitted without obtaining our written permission.
Any enquiries should be directed to contact@seha.ae

SEHA endeavours to ensure that the information on this website/mobile application is current and accurate, however, it does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information. SEHA shall not be held responsible for any damages or harm incurred from accessing or being unable to access this website/mobile application, or from relying on the information provided. This is also applicable to the information we have provided through third party application links published on our website or mobile application.

The website /mobile application safeguards the trademarks, logos, trade names and products internationally. Prior written permission from SEHA is required for any use of these, except for the purpose of identifying SEHA's products or services. Any electronic communications sent to SEHA through this website/mobile application or other means are considered non-confidential, and SEHA is not obligated to refrain from reproducing, publishing, or utilizing them for any purpose.

During your use of the website/mobile application, these terms of use will remain fully effective. We have the right to block certain IP addresses or deny access to and use of the site/mobile application, at our sole discretion and without notice or liability, for any reason or no reason. This includes, but is not limited to, breaches of any representation, warranty, or clauses stated in these terms of use or any applicable law or regulation. SEHA also has complete discretion to terminate your use or participation in the site/mobile application and to delete any content or information that you have posted, at any time.